How Staffing Websites Generate Traffic and Convert Visitors

Blogging is a tough nut to crack, even for the best staffing agency websites. You could write a stellar blog about the latest staffing technology solutions. You hit the button & publish your masterpiece. Then, nothing. Tumbleweed… All the media, noise, and online events distract your target audience away from your services, industry expertise & insights you have to offer.  All the time and effort you put into writing the perfect blog post have gone up in smoke. Your efforts have just been consigned to the pile of almost 3 million blog posts published daily.

Staffing Agency Content Strategy

There are lots of ways to boost visitors to your blogs, strategies staffing agencies can use to grow revenue and boost engagement with your target audience. But it’s difficult to work out which of them will work for your staffing website. So, what can you do to get your voice heard? Here are four ways to boost content traffic for your staffing agency:

Push on Social Media -Your New Best Friend

2021 is all about hashtags, trending posts, striking imagery, and smart straplines as well as mining different social media platforms to find and engage with your ideal audience. If you want the best staffing agency website design, the first step to driving your blog traffic is to target a specific audience, know what search terms they are typing into search engines and write an answer/blog for them to solve that problem. Using social media, you can use and research hashtags that are relevant to your business and audience and harvest traffic from these networks with links back to your article on your staffing website in social channels where your audience hangs out.

LinkedIn is a staple for recruiters in groups as well as following different personalities and company pages. On Twitter, you can share to subscribers and share your content in specific, relevant groups on Facebook and LinkedIn or stories on Instagram. Your SEO-friendly masterpiece detailing your experience and expertise will start to shine. Your content needs to be relatable, and engaging but most of all, seen. It is useless if it has nobody sees it. It‘s important to share your posts consistently on those channels where your audience grazes for information. Social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Quora, LinkedIn, Slideshare, and Pinterest offer you the stage for all your prospects to see your hard work drive your business forward.

Once you know which channels your target customers are on, you also need to learn how to harness the power of all the major social media networks. Choose one or two to focus on or you’ll end up with lots of content on all of them and nothing to show for it. For your staffing agency, LinkedIn is usually the best place to promote employment details but there are only around 700 million users on LinkedIn. Facebook has 2 billion users and Twitter is in the middle. As well as learning which network to use, you can also use the different networks to engage with different audiences and at different points of your buyer’s journey. Quora for example, the QnA search engine is a way to directly interact with individuals needing help and specific expertise you have to offer.

This inbound lead generation is one reason to produce content and why everyone should learn how staffing agencies do content marketing. People like finding the answers to questions they have and solving challenges they need to overcome. help their employers solve their issues, which indirectly attracts more traffic and engagement from those looking to solve that problem.

You can explore video and audio as well as visual platforms like YouTube, Pinterest and interact with images and video on Instagram. Pick 3 platforms and promote your content relentlessly. Splinter your content too – meaning, if you have an article that has 5 or 6 key points in it, take one of those as use those as the tweet or post, use a different image from time to time, and sometimes no image at all on LinkedIn or Facebook. Contrary to popular belief, sometimes these posts are the ones that resonate best with your target audience.

Your Content is Everything

Content is the lifeline of your blog. Your readers won’t read your blog if the content is poor. They won’t even find it or want to find it unless your headline is strong. Really strong. This is your clickbait and what will make or break your blog. Spend around 50% of the time on your headline, and 50% of your time writing your blog. A good content strategy consists of the following factors: going viral, magnetic headlines, social lockers, recycling, and repurposing your content. most of all, it’s about WIIFM. What’s in it for me?

There has to be some payoff for users reading or swapping their details. Study the art of being viral through humor, reliability, and a strong message. The next step is the most important. Focus on your headlines; incorporate bold headlines that quickly grab the reader’s attention. Using emotion, intrigue, or lists, numbers also strike a chord and make it easy to structure your content marketing in staffing. Social followers help higher sharing of your content, but one of the most important elements is after viewing is getting alike.

The next stage on is securing comments. Comments are seen by their network and carry more weight than likes. This is what helps drive the algorithms and helps make your content go viral. Even better, if you’ve targeted the content correctly, it’ll get picked up by your immediate followers, customers, and candidates who follow you or have engaged with your brand.

Once your audience starts liking and commenting, the platform algorithms start to promote your content they believe will like it as well – a halo effect that means the platforms are targeting people just like the ones you’re trying to engage with. This will help raise views and have a halo effect on your engagement and drive your numbers north from 30 or 40 organic views to 2000 or 5000 views… If you’ve worked it well, and been consistent over time, you could start to regularly get over 10,000 or 20,000 views. Great reach for any brand. Recycle and repurpose old content and rework your newer content as Quora answers or YouTube videos. You could produce infographics displaying the information in the article in a visual form… sharing that to other channels that are more image-led like Pinterest or Instagram.

Focus And Keywords

Search terms or keywords are extremely important to boost your blog traffic, especially for staffing agencies and recruiters pushing new jobs on their staffing websites. SEO-focused strategies include the use of both common (short tail) and rare or low volume (long-tail) keywords to help boost your SERPs performance (search engine result pages) Being higher up on the search engine results page you tend to get more clicks. If you’re in positions 1,2, or 3, you’ll be getting 70% of the clicks from that page. If you’re on page 2, well, that’s a great place to hide but not a great place for clicks when people are so impatient on their devices. You should include these keywords in your headings and subheadings, alt tags and image file names, tags, and links rather than just stuffed into your content.

Don’t stuff keywords into your content; users will get frustrated and find your content spammy. Try and target a few keywords consistently. It’s better to focus on say 10 or so keywords and split them into 2 lists. Evergreen cor business and tactical activity. It is much better to do well with a few keywords than try and rank for loads of keywords and get nowhere fast. Plus, the small amount of traffic you do drive will be relevant. Volume is vanity; conversions are sanity.  When did you last look at page 3 of Google results before you typed in a different search term? Focus on what you’re best at, where you can win, and what your customers want to hear.

You need to focus on where you can win and those that are relevant to your business. The golden rule is to keep these as far to the left as possible or as early on in your article as possible. Remember that the first link on any page you publish carries most of the SEO juice for all the links on that page so make sure it’s the right one and in your primary list of target search terms.  High-volume search terms are good but not if competition is really high. high click values are great for ROI, but not if there is little or no traffic or no chance of ranking for it because the competition for that search term is so high. Lastly, prune your content. Delete the excess fluff and make your content rich with more important, attention-seeking ones.

Interactive Website Design

In staffing when you’re recruiting in a tough market, you must have the best website design that’s user-friendly and easy to navigate. Your website must be informative and engage with your target audience, specifically. Think about your About page, could you copy and paste it in a hundred other staffing agencies and change the logo? If it doesn’t sound original, it probably isn’t. Be passionate about what you do, have faith, and believe in your actions.

Good website design examples should carry this so the first time and every time a prospect or returning customer comes back to your site, they know it’s your agency. Using various design formats, layouts, and different advanced technology services such as chatbots or exit intent technology to increase time on site, reduce bounce rate or drive conversions will all help your content rank higher. One of the most important features of your blog is also the layout – how easy was it for you to read and engage with this post?

If you’ve got this far, I’d say we were doing a pretty good job? If you’d like to generate some decent content, that resonates with your audience and converts, get in touch with staffing website design experts. We’re sure you’ll see a steady but exponential rise in your blog traffic, conversions, and lead generation, giving you strong ROI and long-lasting value for your staffing business than any job advert could.